Alice Lightroom Presets Dekstop and Mobile Download Now
Download item "Alice Lightroom Presets Dekstop and Mobile" created by Artsyno in the category of actions and presets add ons.
Alice Lightroom Presets Dekstop and Mobile A Lightroom preset is a filter with pre-set parameters that can help you rapidly achieve the desired effect. It facilitates post-processing or photo editing, saves time and effort, and most significantly, it enables us to get some difficult-to-achieve aesthetics. About the Product My Lightroom Presets are specifically designed to create easily unique tones and styles you desire. With the click of a button, you can have a stylized image that evokes an emotional response from viewers and attracts potential clients! Transform your photos into artwork! FILE TYPE DNG,ATN FILE SIZE 14.98 MB Compatible with Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Lightroom Licensing Please contact us for multi-seat licensing Features Presets in .LRTEMPLATE for Lightroom Desktop. Presets in .XMP for new version of Lightroom desktop. Presets in DNG format for MOBILE Lightroom. Compatible with All Photo formats Compatible with Lightroom, Lightroom mobile and Camera Raw Compatible with All Lightroom Ver…